Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How to Make Certain Your Wedding Vows are Never Forgotten

"Choice is destiny's soul mate."
Sarah Ban Breathnach

What is your idea of the most amazing marriage and partnership that you can imagine? Once you ask yourself that question then your mind will go about finding the answer.

Take a subject such as how you want to relate to each other on a day-to-day basis in 1 year, 10 years, 20 years, 40 years. Before you put that into words your imagination will start to picture it. Sometimes it will be a feeling instead of a picture.

Think about how you will support each other. A touch on the shoulder. A hug when things are stressed. Notes left on the front seat of the car. Holding hands as you go walking.

This is the unsaid, non-physical, emotional, psychic feelings of being together and the closeness that stands the 'tests' or 'stresses' of time.

It's fairly easy to imagine because that is what you are feeling now. It's very fresh. Fix it in mind. Take a few minutes and just allow yourself to feel it, indulge in it, fix it in mind.

There are four important elements that are important to any goal or dream:

  • Think them
  • Speak them
  • Write them
  • Read them

    Before you sit down together to talk about what your life together looks like, feels like, tastes like, looks like, etc., you will begin by simply thinking about it.

Then when you talk about this together you develop even more ideas and a cosmic connection.

Next you will write it down. First just loosely as you try to make sense of it all in written form. Once you get something, anything down on paper, you will begin to see how your dream for a strong, beautiful and phenomenal marriage and partnership can actually continue.

Talk about the idea you are working with again and then make it more concrete by writing it down again as a promise or a wedding vow.

So far you have thought about your life together;

You have talked about it;

You have written it down;

And then you are going to verbally affirm it at your wedding.

This is good. This is very good.

But it is going to get better because you are going to read and review what you thought about, talked about, written about and affirmed.

You are going to fix that dream so tightly so boldly, so strongly, that everything you do and speak will be an affirmation of your beautiful, supportive, spiritual life together.

It is a law, that everything in our lives we put there because it was first in our minds.

You can use that law to your benefit. You are going to create your marriage and your life together on an invisible level. It's the same sort of idea that sports people use to imagine the outcome of the game.

Perhaps that is the easiest way to put what you will be doing in writing your own wedding vows: You will be imagining the outcome! The more you imagine, the more you get into the spirit of the outcome, the easier and surer that outcome will be.

Here is a great quote:

The people who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing, are nothing. They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. Chained by their attitudes, they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom. Only a person who risks is free.
Lloyd J. Thomas

I'm asking you to dream a big dream. To risk. To grow. To live outrageously. To love outrageously.


If you haven't yet purchased the E-book, How to Write Meaningful Wedding Vows that Create Powerful Marriages here is the link:

With love, light and laughtr,

Rev. Linda

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How to Use the Power of Your Imagination to Easily Create the Wedding of your Dreams


How to use the Genie of Weddings
To Make Everything As Easy
As a Piece of Your Expensive Cake!

You’ve been using your imagination for a while now, some of you for many, many, many years, as you dreamt about your wedding vows and wedding ceremony.

Granted more gals than guys are been dreaming of weddings, but that’s OK, it doesn’t matter who is reading this book. What I’m about to tell you works for everyone and anyone.

If you have ever watched even a portion of the TV reality show, Bridezillas, you will know that there are some brides and grooms that make the whole process of getting to the honeymoon suite and beyond an absolute horror.

They want every little thing so perfect that they make everything a chore. They alienate people who would otherwise be happy to be helpful and go the extra mile.

People who they pay their money to can’t wait for the hour and minute they are done with it all and go have a good stiff drink or unwind with a soak in a relaxing hot tub!

Some of those people will actually fire them selves and take a loss rather than be submitted to harassment and ongoing complaints.

What I want you to know is that this wedding you have been dreaming of can be just as easy as conjuring up that dream.

You are going to tap into the bottomless use of your imagination to make it seem like the genie of wedding vows and ceremonies is at your command. And, indeed, he, she, it is.

Let me refresh your mind about the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp.

When Aladdin rubbed the lamp, and he didn’t have to rub too hard, a Genie appeared right in front of him. He was so big and commanding that Aladdin knew he was overpowered.

Do you remember what the Genie said?

“Your wish is my command!”

He didn’t say, “What do you want? Maybe I’ll give it to you and maybe I won’t. I’ll have to think about it!”

He said, “Your wish is my command!”

Let me repeat that because it’s important:

“Your wish is my command.”

What he was saying was that anything you want to have, be or do you can have. Just give it over to a power that has all the resources to fulfill the idea and get about doing only what you can do.

In other words, you do not have to figure out how to do this wedding stuff all by yourself. And that includes writing your wedding vows. You do not have to push it and beat it over the head to make it perfect.

Because when you know just what you want, and know that every element of the Universe is out there making it happen in ways you could not even imagine, then the whole process becomes so easy you will be amazed.

What I want you to know is that that wedding Genie knows where every wedding dress, shoes, invitations, cake and anything else that you can think of concerning your wedding is.

If your desire is for something that can only be found on the other side of the world the Genie knows where it is and how to get it to you easily and at the price you are willing to pay.

I didn’t say that you didn’t have to know what it is you want. You do.
You have to be very clear about what it is you want or what it is you want what it to do for you.

For instance, let’s take a minister because that’s what I have intimate and first hand knowledge of.

You want a non-traditional wedding. You can imagine what it might be like. You can see yourself standing in front of the officiate repeating your wedding vows.

You can’t hear the words of your vows, but you know that you want a wedding that is tasteful, or totally irreverent, extravagant or simple, etc. Maybe you are clear that you want a man or clear that you want a woman. Maybe it doesn’t matter.

So you are going to know that the perfect person to help you create the wedding ceremony and wedding vows of your dreams is out there and that person shows up easily.

If you have learned to trust in this affirmation stuff, you will leave it alone and go on to other things. Trusting that you will know what to do and when to do it or that the person or contact information will just show up like Harry Potter’s owls.

And if this person doesn’t get in one way it will get in another.

Meaning sometimes we get too blindsided to recognize what we are asking for at the moment.

For instance. One time I had been asking about something I needed incite into and at a meeting I could feel someone or something blowing in my ear. I didn’t pay any attention but every few seconds I could feel the breath on my ear. When I turned around no one was there. But the blowing continued until I realized that I was being prompted to pay attention to what was going on around me instead of daydreaming.

And sure enough, the answer to my question was answered right there.

So what I’m trying to tell you is that as you get clearer and clearer of just how you want your wedding to be and go about your business having FUN as you prepare for the big event, you will find people, things, ideas show up in mystical and magical ways.

Here are the three parts that I’ve been outlining for you: 1, Ask for what you want; 2, Give it to the Universe to figure out the details; 3, expect that what you want, and need will show up. The ‘how’ isn’t your business. “Knowing’ is your business.

That’s enough for today.

The main message is to stop trying to make all the planning and preparation for your wedding so difficult and serious.

Lighten up and have fun.

Love, light and laughter,

Rev. Linda

See my Ebook on writing powerful wedding vows at:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Using the 10 Commandments to Write Your Wedding Vows

I wrote The 10 Commandments of Marriage for my daughter's wedding where I was the officiating minister. Look through the commandments and see how you can use some of them and incorporate them into your wedding vows.


1. Honor thyself. When you hold yourself high with integrity and self respect and never compromise your values you can trust each other absolutely.

2. Honor each other. Do not hesitate to see more in each other than what is presented at face value. Look deep. People tend to live up to our expectations of them.

3. Live with gratitude for all things. An attitude of gratitude is the highest emotion there is and that energy will attract more of its own. Life is a lot easier to live when you are happy, which is another name for gratitude.

4. Do little things for each other.

5. Go out on dates.

6. Never go to bed angry with each other. Because talking it out will save you time, energy and mistakes the next day.

7. Keep hopes and dreams in front of you, as an individual and as a couple. You need dreams to keep you truly alive and vital. They help you create passion; for life and for each other.

8. Listen to each other and your children. What you give your attention to grows. It doesn’t matter if it’s a plant, a bank account, your marriage, or your children.

9. Look at the solution and not at the problem. When you focus on the solution, ideas and opportunities will present themselves in unusual and magical ways.

10. Thou shall lighten up and laugh often. Especially at yourself.

2006© Rev. Linda A. Bardes

Love, light and laughter,
Rev. Linda

Monday, May 7, 2007

A Powerful Marriage is like Money in the Bank

Today I want you to think of your marriage as though it was money.

You spend your money, earn your money, save and invest your money based on pre-set ideas and beliefs.

Perhaps you are well organized and specific about your money.

You plan.

Maybe you have a budget regarding how you spend your money.

What if you had a budget based around your marriage? Instead of dollars, however, your currency is attention, time, support, dreams lived and new dreams imagined.

In most of my marriage ceremonies I talk about marriage being like a box, or today a savings account. If you expect to take something out of it you first have to put something in. Like that bank account with actual money in it, when challenges come up you will be able to go to the marriage bank account.

When there is nothing in the account there is nothing to take you through tough times.

  • There is no trustYou feel empty and unsupported and unable to give more than you are
  • There is no emotional reserve to tap into
  • You wait for the other to take the initiative before you do
  • You have trouble thinking good or positive thoughts about the other, the marriage and sometimes even yourself
  • You do stupid things to sabotage your relationship which is already in trouble
  • You want to 'give up'

Taking each other for granted, being late when you say you will be home, not complimenting each other, not taking each other seriously, drains your marital savings account.

Here are some ways to put currency into your savings account:

  • ListeningDoing things for each other when asked
  • Doing things for each other even without being asked
  • Anticipating when your partner will need your supportSending cards, writing notes, bringing flowers, etc., for no special reasonHolding hands, touching, hugging in a non-sexual way
  • Being on timeComplimenting each other every day
  • Saying "I love you' every day
  • Asking every day: "Is there soemthing I can do for you today?"
  • Praying or affirming for the well-being, happiness and success of the other
  • Reading your wedding vows daily.
  • Settling all arguments and problems before you go to sleep

These are just a few ideas. Get out a piece of paper and start to make a list of your own.

I can't keep from reminding you that writing your wedding vows with mindful attention can be one of the most important steps you ever take to create a phenomenal marriage. Because when you are able to create a vision or a dream that has substance in it, and then revisit that dream with your actions and intentions you are putting emotional, physical and spiritual cash into your marital bank account on a constant basis.

That is truly being rich!

Rev. Linda

Even if your wedding is over you can still benefit vastly by purchasing the wedding vow Ebook because it gives you the tools you need in order to craft a phenomenal relationship and marriage.

In fact, it's never too late to write your marriage vows.

by Rev. Linda

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What your Wedding Vows and ‘The Secret’
Have In Common

May 6, 2007

In the movie, ‘The Secret,’ we were told the secret was that each of us operated under the Law of Attraction.

For all of us that means whatever we have created in mind and hold fast to will be created in our life whether we want it to or not.

We believe all our experiences are random.
We can't see where most of it makes any sense because there is a lot of what we are experiencing and living that we do not want in our lives.
Therefore, we believe that we have no control.

And it does often appear that way.
However, your life's experiences aren't random and your life at this point definitely happens from you. I say it that way because most of your beliefs and ideas on how life works came from when you were growing up and you simply took it all in and told yourself it was true.

You became a human doing and kept repeating your experiences over and over again.

On the Oprah show a while ago there was a woman who was talking about her pattern of attracting men. It could have been a man talking about attracting women. It’s all the same when we are talking about the law of attraction.

She kept attracting abusive, alcoholic men until one relationship made her take a good hard look at herself at which point she asked herself why she kept attracting the same kind of person.

Her realization was that she liked drama. She then began to create a different image of herself. She began by changing her ideas and beliefs and created a brand new paradigm, or pattern.

When she did that she attracted and married a very successful man who was not addicted to violent drama. (He was in the computer field! That’s a different kind of drama.)

The whole point of what I’m writing is that she realized that she was in charge of her life and that she could choose the life she wanted.
So she went to work imagining herself in a new way.
She changed her expectations.
She got very clear about the kind of man she really wanted in her life.
When she made those changes in her mind she literally saw with different eyes and felt with new emotions.
Because she changed herself she changed her outward experiences!

OK, how does that apply to you?

Since my focus is on wedding vows and marriage, and what I write about in my Ebook, How to Write Meaningful Wedding Vows that Create Powerful Marriages

is about creating a mold, a foundation, a mental picture of the kind of life the two of you want to create with your marriage, I’m going to help you to understand just how powerful that can be to creating, or attracting, the life you want. . . .

. . . The life you imagined when you wrote your wedding vows!
(Play along with me even if you haven't written your vows yet. And it's never too late even if the wedding is over.)

You were conscious of what you wanted.

You shaped it.

Sculpted it.

Imagined it in living color.

You created a mental and emotional idea!

By taking the opportunity to write your own wedding vows and infuse them with power and passion, you have created in mind a powerful magnet. You are then consciously begining to be the creator of your life. You are consciously choosing to use the law of attraction.

I say, ‘beginning,’ because if the dream that you give voice to does not match what your family experience was, you will fall into old patterns easily.

You MUST keep your vision alive. When you do that the law of attraction will work in your favor.

Keep reviewing the dream by reading your vows, checking in with each other once a month, and consciously choosing your thoughts and actions.

You then begin to receive ideas that support the dream.

And you won’t even know you are doing it.

All because you dared to dream a big dream.

To catch a new idea.

A new idea for a phenomenal marriage and partnership.

It works something like this:

What can be referred to as the manifestation process unfolds from thought, or idea, to emotion (“This feels good, Yes!” --which means you are allowing it.) to form.

Ideas actually are form as energy. Einstein said a long time ago that mass and energy are equal. In thought science that means the energy you create around an idea has to be reproduced in form.

If you continue to affirm your wedding vows by reading them every day, you will experience those ideas being expressed in form, or what we call, reality.

You will be able to touch them, feel them, see them, etc.

Here is an example of how this might play out:

Let’s say that by keeping the dream in front of you, one day or night you have the idea to sign up for dancing lessons. This would never have occurred to you in the past. But all of a sudden it seems like a good idea.

A great idea.

An important idea.

That’s the first step of the law of attraction. You caught an idea. You had a thought.

There isn’t anything to contradict it. It’s a strong emotion of ‘yes.’

Then in the next day you receive an advertisement in the mail for a special at a local dance studio. And your spouse, who would never have dreamt of taking dance lessons is as excited as you.

You acted right away (another important step) and signed up for the lessons.

Without imprinting the vision and dream for your life together you would never have thought about those dance lessons.

Somehow the law of attraction knew that dance lessons were important and orchestrated that advertisement.

Don’t ask me how it works. No one knows how this works. We only know why it works!

But something special happened because you said ‘yes’ and took action.

The dance lessons became a weekly date night. (Commandment #5)

You moved together in a rhythm as ONE, with a purpose, a goal, a dream. (Commandment #7)

You were focused on a solution, not a problem. (Commandment #9 )

You enjoyed yourself and had fun. (Commandment #10)

This is just one way the law of attraction worked because you took the time and energy to write meaningful wedding vows that create powerful marriages and phenomenal relationships.

You can purchase the Ebook, How to Write Meaningful Wedding Vows and Create a Powerful Marriage, at

To download a copy of the 10 Commandments of Marriage at no charge and without having to leave your Email address follow this link: